According to the NTC all the laws that do not contradict with
the regulations of this declaration
will remain effective and only the names
will change.
"All the current provisions decreed in the existing legislations
shall continue to be effective, in as much as they do not conflict with the provisions
of this "declaration", until the announcement of new provisions to
amend or repeal them. Each reference in these [old] provisions to the so-called
"People's Congresses" or the "General People's Congress" shall
be taken as a reference to the "Interim Transitional National Council" or
the "General National Council [Congress]"; each reference to the "General
People's Committee" or the "People's Committees" is a reference
to the "Executive Board" or to the members of the Executive Board or
to the government or to the members of the government, each within his or her
jurisdictional boundaries; and each reference to the (Great Socialist People's
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya) shall be deemed as a reference to (Libya)."
The following PDF files provide a general introduction to Libyan Law regarding
matters of business, licensing, banking, trading, tax, and investment in Libya.
Some of the documents are in English, while others are in Arabic.
Law (9) of 2000: regarding organising trade of transit and free zones
Law (55) of February 2011: regarding prices of vegetables
and fruits in Libya.
Law (801) of 2010: regarding the issuing of commercial licence.
Law (644) of 2010: regarding the issuing of commercial licence.
Law No.(134) of 2006: to establish financial paper market.
Law (1) of 2005: banking law.
Law (4) of 2004: chambers of commerce.
Law (6) of 2004: organising trading agencies works.
Law (29) of 2006: opening representational office in Libya.
Law (65) of 1970: rules in respect of trades and commercial companies and supervision
Law (9) of 2000: regarding organising trade of transit and free zones.
Law (11) of 2004: income tax.
Law (232) of 2010: regarding fixing prices of natural gas.
Law (5) of 1997: promotion of Investment of Foreign Capital, as Amended by Law
(7) of 2003.
Law (9) of 2010: regarding Investment Promotion.
Law (757) of 2007: regarding the development and promotion of export.
Law (9) of 2008: regarding organising import and export.
(477) of 2010: regarding vehicle importation.
Law (366) of 2010: regarding importation of used cars.
Law (55) of 2011: regarding prices of vegetables and fruits.